Monday, August 25, 2008

Nadia Comaneci

Thump as Nadia Comaneci just finished a very good routine on the bars and a.................................
what ? A 1 comes up wait that's a 10 the crowd is just going wild I can't believe it.

Nadia Comaneci was born in Romania 1961. She stared gymnastics at the age of 6. She won Heaps of medals when she was in the Romanian team and got 7 10s then {when she was older} defected and marred Bart Conner in the USA

She was very hard working in her training. She trained 4 hours a day excpt for sunday.She had eveything that a very very good gymnastics pro has. Now that's a good gymnastics pro.


Anonymous said...

Hi Leoden
I've been enjoying your blog. Nadia Comaneci was a real hero to lots of us when she 1st won gold. Isn't it amazing how the athletes just keep getting better & better.

I agree your dad has a great sense of humour. I think you do to.

Keep up the good work
Mr Burt

Pt England Scribes said...

Hi Leoden, I've been reading your blog. I've enjoyed reading about Nadia and your cross-country too. Miss Mackinlay :) P.S I like you blog layout it looks good.